The fundamentals of fence etiquette are easy enough to grasp; you just have to be a considerate neighbor!
Putting up a new fence is subject to a great many rules, restrictions, and guidelines. While not every community has an HOA overseeing what residents can and can’t do, you might still have to get a permit and survey your property lines before engaging the services of a fence installation professional. The fundamentals of fence etiquette are easy enough to grasp; you just have to be a considerate neighbor!
Define Your Property Lines
As we alluded to above, the first step in any fencing installation project is to figure out where your property starts and where it terminates. Defining your property lines is at the core of following proper fence etiquette. Look for the plat that is associated with your home. Doing this might involve a visit to your county records office; alternatively, you can hire a professional surveyor to come and place stakes along the invisible lines so that you don’t upset any of your neighbors.
Speak with Your Closest Neighbors
You’ve also to talk with your neighbors. At the very least, bring it up with those people on either side of you, depending on the configuration of the houses where you live. It might turn out that your direct neighbors have the same idea, and splitting the costs of the new fence can benefit everyone!
The Finished Side Should Face Them
Although it’s tempting to have the nicer-looking side of the fence oriented towards your side of the line, it’s actually better to face it out towards your neighbor. This is just common courtesy and a key part of observing fence etiquette. After all, one side tends to be more aesthetically pleasing since it presents a smoother, more polished look. Double-sided privacy fences could be the way to go, but you won’t know until it’s time to get the fence installed.
Make Sure to Maintain the New Fence
Fence maintenance is another core component of fence etiquette. The paint should be refreshed every so often, and signs of rot or decay need to be washed away. Doing this can forestall disputes with your neighbors that could get ugly. Plus, it boosts the curb appeal and property value for all of the houses nearby.
Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry and can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain link, wooden fences, and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700, drop-in, or contact us on our website to learn more about fall and winter fence construction! You can keep up to date with offers and information from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.