It can be difficult to decide how high your fence can be.
It can be difficult to decide how high your fence can be. For one thing, you need to be sure that you won’t violate any local ordinances or HOA regulations. Ultimately, the height of your fence will depend on what you plan on doing with the fence itself.
Privacy Fence
Privacy is one of the most common motives for putting up a new fence. Let’s say that you don’t like your neighbors spying on you, or taking advantage of your property – maybe they spend more time loitering on your patio than you do. If that’s the case, getting six-foot-high fences should put a stop to all of that and send your rude neighbors a clear message that they should stay on their side of the yard.
Pet Fence
There’s no simple answer when you need to determine how high your pet fences should be. Cats are nimble enough to find some way over it, and your dog can probably learn how to climb over the barrier or dig a tunnel underneath it. For smaller dogs, consider four-foot high fences while six-foot fences will discourage any bigger dogs from escaping and causing mischief.
Pool Fence
Labor Day is in a few weeks, which means that the summer pool season is almost over. But if you have a pool in your backyard, you won’t be at the mercy of the community pool and any membership dues. You can jump in any time you want. That said, you should still install a pool fence. These fences don’t need to be huge – four feet should be sufficient.
Other Fences
You can also put new fences around your garden or on your property lines. These are valid reasons to build new fences or replace existing ones that are too worn down to be useful. Picket fences in your front yard should be about three feet high, while backyard fences meant to protect your kids and pets should be double that – about six feet high. Smaller fences around your garden can highlight the vibrant colors of flowers and veggies. Plus, they can keep deer, rabbits, or other critters from ruining your yard.
Take Care of All Your Residential Fence Needs with Help from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry and can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain link, wooden fences and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700, drop in, or contact us on our website to learn more about spring and summer fence construction! You can keep up to date with offers and information from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.