When it comes to designing and assembling a new fence, it’s much easier if you understand the lingo.
When it comes to designing and assembling a new fence, it’s much easier if you understand the lingo. Fences have specialized terminology describing the different parts that go into a newly-built fence. If your goal for the weekend is to build a new fence around your home, then here is what you should know.
The Pickets
Ah, pickets. That classic fence feature that was for decades, the hallmark of suburban American neighborhoods. This icon of the American Dream got that famous for a reason. Fence pickets are small posts that help resist the forces of gravity pushing down on your fence and give it some support so it won’t fall over the next time a gentle breeze blows through your yard or your pets get a little too rambunctious while roughhousing and knock it down by accident. Horizontal pickets are another little touch you can add to your new fence, especially if it’s made of wrought iron – the horizontal pickets can also add more support.
The Finials
Finials are another decorative piece you can use on fences. Although they can fit almost any type of residential fences, you’ll see them most often on wrought iron fences. You can tell you’re looking at a finial when you see the pointy part at the top of the fence post.
The Rails
No matter where your current fence is positioned, it needs a rail. The rails help support the weight of the pickets and can keep your fence standing even after a ferocious storm has blown through your neighborhood and wrecked your yard. Rails also connect the fence frame with the gates that you use to enter and exit the fenced area without having to climb over the top.
The Caps
What’s the difference between the fence finials and the fence caps? The caps also sit on top of the fence posts. While they can be decorations, a fence cap’s main purpose is to prevent water damage by making sure that rain slides off of the fence and towards the ground instead of rusting your wrought iron fence.
Take Care of All Your New Fence Needs with Help from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry and can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain link, wooden fences and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700, drop in, or contact us on our website to learn more about spring and summer fence construction! You can keep up to date with offers and information from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.