Do you need to add a new layer of stain to your wood fence?
Given enough time, all fences will start to wear down. This is when they won’t look their best, so you need to ask yourself: do you need to add a new layer of stain to your wood fence? This can be an easy weekend project that won’t take too long to accomplish. Even so, having some pointers can’t hurt.
Double Check the Forecast
With all the storms and rainy weather that has come around, you might want to make sure you don’t get wet when you’re trying to maintain your fence. That means you need to double check the forecast. That way, you can make sure that there won’t be any rain for the next two days or so after you successfully manage to apply the stain to your fence. The weather that is bright and fair ensures your highest chances of success.
Decide Which Technique to Use
Next, you must decide which technique you want to use. In other words, how will you go about applying the fresh layer of stain? You can brush, roll, or spray it on to the fence in question. Although it’s tempting to use a spray gun, since it will make things go faster, you should resist that urge. That’s because doing it by hand when you’re attempting to do it by yourself will give you neater results.
Wash and Bleach
The next step of the process is to wash the fence. Get rid of any debris, moss, mildew, or mold growing on your wall. Power washing can get rid of dirt, but for anything more resilient than that, you will want to use bleach. Since bleach is a harsh chemical, you’ll want to be cautious when you’re spraying it. That way, you won’t make anyone in your family sick, such as your children and your pets.
Apply the Stain
Now the time has come to apply the stain onto your fence. Scrape off the wood and add some new sanding where you need to; this is how to get started. It helps ensure that the stain will stay put. Test the stain color to make sure that you like how it looks on the fence. Once you’re satisfied, follow the direction of the grain as you continue to apply more stain. Three coats of stain and another layer of sealant later, you’re done!
Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach
Call Hercules Fence of Norfolk and Virginia Beach for your fencing needs. We have decades of experience in the fencing industry and can offer you the best in ornamental steel, chain link, wooden fences, and more. Our dedicated teams of fencing professionals are highly trained, skilled, and experienced in providing quality fence installations of any type. We’ll work with you to find a fence that best suits your needs and budget.
Contact Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach at (757) 321-6700, drop in, or contact us on our website to learn more about spring and summer fence construction! You can keep up to date with offers and information from Hercules Fence of Virginia Beach on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter.